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Worldwide Small Group and Tailor Made Adventure Travel

What’s included

  • An English-speaking local leader
  • Inca Trail permit
  • Good standard hotel accommodation (3 star) in Cuzco, the Sacred Valley and Machu Picchu Pueblo on a twin share, bed and breakfast basis
  • All camping facilities and all meals on trek
  • Camp staff to carry out all...

Inca Trail Trek to Machu Picchu Great Treks of the world

Walking & Trekking

Peru | Walking & Trekking

Inca Trail Trek to Machu Picchu
  • Grade:
    • ?
      Moderate / Vigorous

      Moderate: Suitable for anyone who enjoys hill walking.

      Vigorous: Suitable for enthusiastic hill/mountain walkers.

      Find out more...

    Moderate / Vigorous

  • Duration: 11 days from the UK
  • On trek: 4 days
  • Private Departures Available

Flight inclusive from £3250, Land only from £1750

Explore the Sacred Valley of the Incas and trek one of the most celebrated trails in the world.


  • Enjoy sightseeing and acclimatisation in the Sacred Valley of the Incas
  • Visit the Inca ruins at Pisac and Ollantaytambo and the salt pans at Maras
  • Learn about ancient Inca agrictulture at Potato Park and Moray, and take lunch with a local community
  • Trek the spectacular Inca Trail with first rate camping service on trek
  • Enter iconic Machu Picchu at dawn through Inti Punku, the Sun Gate
  • Option to climb Huayna Picchu peak or Macchu Picchu Peak


The Inca Trail is a great trek with really varied scenery, ancient Inca sites to explore and some challenging ascents that give you a real sense of achievement. Walking through the Sun Gate to see Machu Picchu below in all its glory was truly a 'wow' moment - one I'll treasure for a very long time.

Kirsty Parsons, Marketing, Mountain Kingdoms


The Inca Trail is a great trek with really varied scenery, ancient Inca sites to explore and some challenging ascents that give you a real sense of achievement. But walking through the Sun Gate to see Machu Picchu below in all its glory was truly a 'wow' moment - one I'll treasure for a very long time.

Kirsty Parsons, Marketing Assistant


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The ultimate objective of this fantastic holiday is the famous Inca Trail, one of the best known and most popular trekking trails in the world. And rightly so! But before you step out on the Inca Trail, you will spend a couple of days enjoying the remarkable sights of the Sacred Valley of the Incas, including the citadels of Pisac and Ollantaytambo which stand sentinel at the eastern and western reaches of the Valley. You will also tour the impressive Inca terraces of Moray, see the salt pans at Maras and visit the pretty village of Chincheros where you can discover traditional Andean crafts. And, to learn more about this fertile region's most important crop, you visit 'Potato Park' before taking lunch with the Chawaytire Community who still practice the ancient farming methods of their ancestors.

Fully acclimatised you're now ready to begin your five day trek along one of the most celebrated trekking trails in the world. To make this unforgetable journey you follow in the footsteps of the original Inca inhabitants of Machu Picchu as you trek a centuries old trail through magnificent mountain scenery, enjoying sensational views, crossing several high passes and passing through forest, bright with orchids and butterflies and alive with bird song. Along the way you visit several impressive ruins before reaching the climax of the trip as you finally emerge through the famous Sun Gate, entrance to one of the most iconic and breath taking views on the planet. You will look down over Machu Picchu, spectacularly set on a high mountain ridge and overlooked by the peak of Huayna Picchu (which you have the option to climb). You will quite rightly feel a real sense of achievement at completing a wonderful journey to reach such a goal. After exploring the site, and some time at leisure in the small town of Machu Picchu Peublo, you make the scenic rail journey to Cuzco where you can extend your time in this vibrant mountain town full of historic and cultural interest.

Book Early! An Inca Trail permit is required for this trip. Permits go on sale at the start of each year, and often sell out quickly. Please contact us for more details.

Private Departures

Kirsty and Adam on Kala Pattar close up 800x750

Inca Trail Trek to Machu Picchu - Private Departures

If you would prefer to travel just with your partner, friends or family, we can arrange a private departure of this holiday. You follow the same itinerary, but travel on dates that suit you. Alternatively we can include elements of this holiday in a bespoke Tailor Made itinerary. Contact our friendly team for details and prices, and to make a booking.

At a glance


Moderate / Vigorous

Duration: 11 days from the UK

On trek: 4 days

Max. Altitude: 4,200m/13,780ft, Dead Woman's Pass, Day 7

Private Departures Available

Guaranteed to run for a minimum of 4 clients

Maximum group size: 12

Accommodation types: Hotels, Camping

Meal arrangements: 8 x Breakfasts, 7 x Lunches, 3 x Dinners

Itinerary overview
Day Activity
1-2 Fly to Cuzco and transfer to the Sacred Valley
3-4 Acclimatisation and sightseeing in the Sacred Valley: Pisac, Ollantaytambo, Moray earthworks, the salt pans of Maras and traditional agrarian communities
5 Begin Inca Trail at Piscacucho and trek to Ayapata
6 Cross Warmihuañusca (Dead Woman’s Pass), lunch at Pacaymayu, climb to Runkurakay and camp at Chaquicocha
7 Trek to Phuyapatamarca and on to Intipata. Trek to Wiñay Wayña
8 Trek to Intipunku, the Sun Gate, for sunrise. Arrive at Machu Picchu with an optional ascent of Huayna Picchu or Machu Picchu peaks.
9 Time at leisure in Machu Picchu Pueblo. Train to Poroy and short bus ride to Cuzco.
10-11 Free time in Cuzco. Fly to London
Leader: Local leader, Peru

You will be accompanied throughout your holiday by a local English-speaking guide. These leaders are very knowledgeable and extremely charming and friendly and in their company you will enjoy an insider’s view of Peru.

Local leader, Peru

Holiday Itinerary

Download a detailed itinerary
Day 1 - Fly London to Cuzco

Depart London on your overnight flight to Cuzco.

Overnight icon Overnight: In flight

Day 2 - Arrive Cuzco, 3,400m/11,200ft. Transfer to Urubamba in the Sacred Valley, 2,871m/9,419ft - 50km, 2 hours.

You will be met on arrival in Cuzco and transferred down to the Sacred Valley where you will check into your hotel in Urubamba. This is set at a lower altitude then Cuzco which will help with your initial acclimatisation. You will have the rest of the day to relax after your long flight and perhaps explore a little of the area near your hotel, which has good views of the valley and the snow-capped mountains. Your guide will organise a welcome briefing for the group in the evening to let you know about the arrangements for the next few days.

The Sacred Valley, or Vilcamayo to the Incas, is a beautiful, fertile valley carved by the Urubamba River which flows from the high Andes all the way to the Amazon Jungle. High above the valley, snow peaks glisten in the sun while in the fertile fields below local people harvest crops such as maize, quinoa and many kinds of potato - this valley was the breadbasket of the famous Inca Empire. Everywhere there is evidence of earlier Inca settlement with a host of terraces, walls, temples and burial towers in varying states of repair. And marking the opposite ends of the Sacred Valley stand the two remarkable Inca citadels of Pisac and Ollantaytambo.

Overnight icon Overnight: Hotel Augustos Or Similar, Urabamba

Day 3 - Full day sightseeing in the Inca Valley. Visit Pisac, Potato Park, the Chawaytire Community and the Inca ruins of Ollantaytambo.

This morning you head along the Sacred valley to the town of Pisac, which lies at the eastern end of the Valley. Here, situated above the town, is an extensive and impressive Inca complex clinging to the mountain top. The citadel at Pisac was originally positioned on a major Inca route into the Sacred Valley and controlled access to the eastern jungle. The ruins are set high above the valley floor and have tremendous views. Terraces, water ducts and steps are cut out of solid rock, and in the upper sector of the ruins, the main Inthihuatana (a ritual stone associated with the astronomical clock or calendar) is equal to anything at Machu Picchu. Pisca town itself dates back to colonial times and has an interesting artisan market where you can check out the local handicrafts and test your bartering skills.

You will then visit nearby 'Potato Park' where you can learn about this quintessentially Peruvian product. Peru has 4,000 types of potatoes and Potato Park is a great place to learn about them and traditional Inca agricultural practices. Here, people from local communities, such as the Qachum Waqchi and the Papa Arariwa, are working to preserve their native strains of potatoes and traditional cultivation techniques, and are proud to share this knowledge with visitors. From the Park you will travel on to visit the Chawaytire community. This is a community of small farms where they grow potatoes, beans and quinoa. They are also weavers and keep sheep, llamas and alpacas whose wool is used in the creation of the beautiful fabrics that can be found throughout the area. The Chawaytire will be your hosts for a tasty lunch made from local products including, of course, different types of potato which you will have seen earlier.

After lunch you travel to Ollantaytambo, an attractive little town located at the western end of the Sacred Valley. The town is built on top of original Inca foundations and is probably the best surviving example of Inca town planning. It is located at the foot of the spectacular ruins of an Inca fortess which protected the way to the lower Urubamba Valley. Here in 1536 Manco Inca managed to stem the tide of Spanish expansion. This victory was short-lived however when the Spanish returned with four times their previous force. Manco Inca retreated to his jungle stronghold in Vilcambamba and Ollantaytambo fell to the Spanish. The complex was still under construction at the time of the conquest and was never completed. The fortress and town represent some of the best of Inca architecture and construction, with fine examples of beautifully carved polygonal stones and monumental rocks.

Overnight icon Overnight: Hotel Augustos Or Similar, Urabamba

Day 4 - Visit Moray earthworks, Maras salt pans and Chinchero Village.

After breakfast you drive above the Sacred valley for further sightseeing. Firstly you visit the extraordinary Inca earthworks of Moray. There is no other site quite like Moray - three crater like depressions are lined with a series of concentric ciruclar terraces disappearing down into the earth. Some think that this may have been the site of sophisticated Inca agricultural experiments with each terrace representing an altitude zone. It is thought that the terraces containing walls were filled with fertile earth and watered by complex irrigations systems which enabled the Incas to grow more than 250 plant species.

You then travel the short distance to the ancient town of Maras with its vast church and distinctive colonial Spanish door arches. Maras was formerly renowned for its spies due to its strategic location above the Sacred Valley which enabled the local inhabitants to keep track of the movement of all travellers in and out of the valley. The town is now famous for its salt pans, where salt has been harvested since pre-Inca times. The hundreds of salt pans cover a whole hillside, and in sunny weather you will be dazzled by the white of the pools.

You will then visit Chincheros, a picturesque village which was an important Inca centre and is known for the traditional Andean weaving skills of its craftsmen. You will have the opportunity to see their wares in the main square where the people often gather to exhibit their merchandise.

Overnight icon Overnight: Hotel Augustos Or Similar, Urabamba

Day 5 - Start Inca Trail at Piscacucho, 2,680m/8,790ft. Trek to Ayapata, 3,000m/9,842ft - 6-7 hours.

After breakfast you drive twenty minutes to the trailhead at Piscacucho (Km 82). Here you meet the porters and cooks who will support your journey to Machu Picchu. For the trek your luggage will be carried by these porters, your tents are put up for you and you will have a cook team to prepare your food.

From Piscacucho you set off on an undulating trail above the Vilcanota River until you reach the spectacular ruins of Llactapata, 2,788m/9,146ft. You then climb in cloud forest, with good mountain views, including of the summit of W'akay Willca (Mount Veronica). You continue up the Cusichaca Valley passing archaeological excavations to reach the small hamlet of Huallyabamba, 3,000m/9,840ft, the last inhabited place on the trail. You will continue to camp at Ayapata, a beautiful quiet campsite.

Overnight icon Overnight: Camp

Day 6 - Cross Warmihuañusca (Dead Woman’s Pass), 4,200m/13,780ft, continue to Chaquicocha, 3,600m/11,811ft, to camp – 7-8 hours.

Today is the toughest day of the Inca Trail! You begin by climbing through amazing stunted cloud forest to Llulluchupampa, where there are more spectacular views down the valley. You then start up to the highest point of the trek to arrive at the impressive Abra de Warmiwañusca (Dead Woman's Pass). You can rest here for a while to savour your achievement! You then descend into the small and perfectly formed Pacasmayo ('Hidden River') Valley, 3,650m/11,975ft, where you will have lunch. This is beautiful walking with humming birds and other birds and an incredible variety of native plants and trees such as 'Polylepsis' which only grows in cloud forest at this altitude. After lunch you climb for a further 2 hours passing the dramatic circular Inca site of Runcu Raccay to reach the pass at almost 4,000m and continue to camp at Chaquicocha. This beautiful and quiet campsite offers great sunset views if the weather is clear.

Overnight icon Overnight: Camp

Day 7 - Trek to Winay Wayna, 2,600m/8,528ft – 4-5 hours.

Today you will find the walking easier, as well as being treated to incredible landscapes, lush and verdant cloud forest, unique Andean flora and a host of exotic, colourful birds. Continuing along a staggeringly engineered Inca stone path you pass Sayacmarca ruins, just one example of the fine Inca aesthetic seen in so many of their buildings, where a site is deliberately chosen for its dramatic views or beautiful situation. You continue along the ridge, passing through several Inca tunnels, corkscrewing backward and forwards over a ridge with fantastic views, until a slight ascent brings you to a pass at 3,658m/12,000ft, and then you descend slightly to Phuyupatamarca ruins - the 'place above the clouds'.

Now, as you walk along, you will enjoy fine views over to the Salcantay and Pumasillo ranges, with the Machu Picchu ridge below and the Urubamba River descending towards the Amazon. Your trail finally brings you through cloud forest to Wiñay Wayña, another interesting ruin of steep Inca terraces which is often full of orchids and swallows. Wiñay Wayña, means 'forever young' and this Inca site was only discovered in 1941. Your camp for tonight is nearby and you should arrive here by lunchtime or early afternoon. Once you have settled into your tents, you will have time for an extended tour of the ruins.

Overnight icon Overnight: Camp

Day 8 - Trek to Inti Punka (Sun Gate), 2,745m/9,006ft – 2 hourrs. Descend to Machu Picchu ruins, 2,429m/7,972ft. Option to climb Huayna Picchu or Machu Picchu

Full of anticipation of the treats to come you will have an early breakfast today before you head off on the final stage of the Inca Trail. You will reach the Inti Punku, the 'Gateway of the Sun', for your first mesmerising glimpse of Machu Picchu in the dawn light - one of the most magical and iconic views on the planet. Machu Picchu is a place that really lives up to all expectations. The setting is breathtaking and the ruins themselves are sensational.

You will descend to the UNESCO World Heritage Site where you can explore a little and have the opportunity for an optional ascent of Huayna Picchu. This is a climb of some 3,53m/1,158ft, taking about 1 hour to ascend and 45 minutes for the descent. It involves some steep sections of stone steps and you need a good head for heights. If you prefer you could instead climb to the summit of Machu Picchu Peak - this is also a fantastic climb if a little longer, with great views from the summit, but the way is slightly less precipitous than the Huayna Picchu ascent. If you wish to do either of these optional climbs please contact the Mountain Kingdoms office as soon as possible, and we will advise the cost. We need to know in advance because only a limited amount of people are allowed to climb the peaks each day.

Later you will catch a bus down to the colourful town of Machu Picchu Pueblo (also known as Aguas Calientes) and celebrate your return to civilisation. Later you might make a visit to relax in the hot springs.

Overnight icon Overnight: Casa Andina Or Similar, Machu Picchu Pueblo

Day 9 - Morning at leisure. Afternoon train to Poroy and short bus ride to Cuzco.

You have a free morning today to explore Machu Picchu Pueblo before boarding a train for very a scenic ride along the Urabamba Valley towards Cuzco. Your journey ends at Poroy where a bus will speed you to Cuzco and your hotel.

Overnight icon Overnight: Casa Andina Cuzco Plaza Or Similar, Cuzco

Day 10 - Time at leisure in Cuzco. Group transfer to airport. Depart for London.

You will have the morning free for some exploration of Cuzco before you are transferred to the airport for your overnight flight back to London.

If you wish to have more time in Cuzco after your trek please speak to our office about arranging extra nights.

Overnight icon Overnight: In flight

Day 11 - Arrive London.


Map Key

  • Airport Airport
  • Point of interest Point of interest
  • Mountain Peak Mountain Peak
  • Day walk in this area Day walk in this area
  • Flights Flights
  • Internal Transfers Internal Transfers
  • Trek Trek


Hold your place

Not quite ready to book? Why not call us on +44 (0) 1453 844400 to hold a no obligation place while you make up your mind?

Optional supplements
  • Single Room & Tent Supplement
    From £245
No Surcharge Guarantee

No surcharges will be applied to your holiday after you book. Prices on this website are updated regularly. The Flight Inclusive holiday price, or Land Only holiday price, will be confirmed to you at the time you make your booking. There will be no surcharges after your booking has been confirmed.

Flight inclusive holidays

The 'flight inclusive' holiday prices shown on this website are based upon our preferred airlines and the best priced economy class fares we are able to secure at the time of publication.

We will be able to advise on fares with alternative airlines, upgrades to Business Class, and the options for flights from regional UK airports, please contact us for more details.

Booking your holiday
  • Deposit
    From £500.00

For the majority of our holidays, a deposit payment of £400.00 per person is required to secure your place(s), however a small number of holidays require a higher deposit - please refer to the holiday itinerary for more details. If the holiday departs within 60 days, a deposit of £1,000.00 per person is required.

Book now!
  1. Book your small group holiday securely online – click the ‘Book’ button next to your chosen departure or visit our How to Book page
  2. Complete and return a Booking Form available to download here.
  3. Call us on +44 (0)1453 844400 and one of our travel specialists will talk you through the booking process.

What’s included

  • An English-speaking local leader
  • Inca Trail permit
  • Good standard hotel accommodation (3 star) in Cuzco, the Sacred Valley and Machu Picchu Pueblo on a twin share, bed and breakfast basis
  • All camping facilities and all meals on trek
  • Camp staff to carry out all camp work
  • All road transport by private vehicles
  • Sightseeing where specified
  • Economy class return air fares from the UK & UK Departure Tax (flight inclusive only)
  • Single, timed, group airport transfers for international flights on arrival and departure
  • Carbon offsetting with the Ecoan Tree Planting Project (for clients taking our flight inclusive option)
  • A free high-quality Mountain Kingdoms kit bag

What’s not included

  • Travel insurance
  • Visa fees
  • Sleeping bag
  • 2 lunches and 5 dinners (as per the itinerary)
  • Airport departure taxes, excepting UK Departure Tax
  • Optional trips
  • Tipping
  • Ascent of Huayna Picchu Peak or Machu Picchu Peak

Read holiday reviews by Mountain Kingdoms travellers.

Overall score:           (Based on 1 reviews)

A really great trek          

The Inca Trail is a great trek with really varied scenery, ancient Inca sites to explore and some challenging ascents that give you a real sense of achievement. But walking through the Sun Gate to see Machu Picchu below in all its glory was truly a 'wow' moment - one I'll treasure for a very long time.

Extend your holiday

Galapagos extension

Galapagos islands r butler
  • 8-day itinerary or 5-day itinerary options
  • Add to the beginning or end of your holiday in Ecuador or Peru
  • Abundance of wildlife including Blue Footed Boobies, giant tortoises and Darwin's finches
More Details

Before or after your trip to Ecuador or Peru why not add on an exciting Galapagos island cruise. Cruise boats in the Galapagos are quite small and tend to get booked up well in advance. If you wish to travel to the Galapagos we would check out available boats in various classes for your dates and could then offer you a choice of boat and itinerary. For more details download the pdf sample itinerary, or contact our office to discuss your options.

Amazon Extension from Cuzco

  • Spend 2, 3 or 4 nights deep in the Amazon rainforest.
  • Stay in a choice of jungle lodges.
  • Enjoy a selection of wildlife viewing activities accompanied by expert guides.
  • Fly from Cuzco with all transfers, meals and activities included.
More Details

For a complete contrast to your trek or tour in the Andes why not visit the lush Amazon jungle? A short but spectacular flight will take you over the mountains and down to the Amazon basin. The Amazon basin encompasses nearly 3 million square miles, of which two thirds is covered by rainforest and comprising the largest and most bio-diverse tract of tropical rainforest in the world. For your Amazon extension you will fly to the city of Puerto Maldonado and from there travel down river to your jungle lodge.

We offer a selection of jungle lodges with various standards of accommodation and wildlife experience. You may also choose whether to stay for 2 or 3 nights in the jungle or even a longer more adventurous expedition of 5 days downstream to the Tambopata Research Centre.

Puno & Lake Titicaca extension

Lake titicaca peru
  • A visit to Lake Titicaca will prove a very worthwhile addition to any trip to Peru.
  • Enjoy a spectacular rail journey from Cuzco with stunning views, climbing to a height of 4,319m /14,170ft before descending to Puno.
  • Get an insight into a unique soceity and culture that has adapted to this harsh but beautiful environment.
More Details

Lake Titicaca is the largest lake in South America and set on the high altiplano of Peru at 4,103m/12,507ft it is generally considered to be the highest navigable lake in the world. On this extension you leave Cuzco on a comfortable coach to cross a high pass at La Raya at 4,319m /14,170ft, before descending to Puno, a city on the shores of Lake Titicaca.

The lake itself is starkly beautiful and views of both Lake Titicaca and the mountains beyond are truly spectacular. You will spend a whole day on the lake observing the unique way of life of the people of the Uros Islands before a visit to Taquile Island gives you the opportunity to see how a distinctive and independent minded society has adapted to this harsh but stunning environment. There may also be time to visit the fascinating pre-Inca ruins at Sillustani before catching your flight back to Lima.

Paracas and Nazca Lines, Peru

Paracas and nazca lines peru
  • Discover over 150 species of birdlife in the Ballestas Islands
  • Look out for dolphins, sea lions and whales on a boat trip
  • Fly over the enigmatic Nazca lines
More Details

This fascinating extension will introduce you to an area in Peru that is famous for its culture and archaeological remains as well as for its extraordinarily prolific wildlife.

Firstly you drive south out of Lima, down the coast to Paracas. The Paracas peninsula is the site of the famous Paracas Culture, an advanced pre-Inca civilisation, renowned for its fine textiles and ceramics. The Ballestas Islands are famous for their sea birds and sea lions. You may also visit the small museum where some of Paracas’s famous textiles are displayed.

The next morning you will make an excursion by boat to visit the Ballestas Islands, sometimes called the 'Little Galapagos'. These islands are home to over 150 species of marine birds as well as hundreds of sea-lions. You may see Humboldt penguins, cormorants, boobies and pelicans and on your cruise you may even encounter dolphins or whales. Your Ballestas excursion takes about two hours. Later you will be transferred to Pisco airport where you take a small plane to over-fly the enigmatic Nazca lines. The Nazca Lines are one of mankind's greatest mysteries. They cover an arid desert plateau some 80kms wide with designs which are a mixture of stylised figures, animals, birds, fish, trees and flowers. Some are simply geometric patterns, or just lines.

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