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Nepali Children’s Trust

Nepali Children’s Trust

Fran McGowan, Nepali Children’s Trust gives thanks

Nepali Children’s Trust express their deepest thanks to everyone for your generous and heartfelt responses to the earthquake in Nepal – both through Nepali Children’s Trust and via other charities who are working so hard to respond to the needs of the country and its people.

They are pleased to report that the children at the New Life Centre (DNC) have been able to move back into their home. A structural engineer has inspected the building and deemed it structurally sound and safe enough for habitation, although the centre is in need of repair.

Their priority now is to respond to immediate needs for safety, food, water and shelter and then to restore the building to its former condition. It will be of the utmost importance to provide security for the children, especially for those whose families have been hurt or even killed and whose homes and villages may have been badly damaged or destroyed. Aside from building restoration, damaged physiotherapy and furniture items need to be replaced and the mattresses and bedding used for camping will need to be bought anew.

The children will need time and help to come to terms with what has happened. This is also true for the older students they support, many of whom were just in the process of establishing themselves and making the transition from living in an institution to living independently.

The Nepali Children’s Trust is a small charity working in a focused way to support their beneficiaries and they would like to assure people that almost every penny they raise goes directly to those who need it. However, they quite understand at a time like this that some people may wish to support charities providing aid to larger numbers of people in Nepal.

If you would like to support NCT the easiest way is do so is via their website at by going to the ‘How to Help’ page and clicking on the ‘My Donate’ button.

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