Water-to-Go - Reusable Bottle Campaign

“We have to act. We have to act now to try and clear up some of the appalling damage we have made to the ocean… and that is going to require positive action”.
Sir David Attenborough
The Problem
The human race manufactures over 300 million tonnes of plastic each year – that is equivalent to the weight of the entire adult population of the planet. Half of that plastic is used just ONCE.
Although plastic is an amazingly versatile and useful product, it is virtually indestructible and production has outpaced the planet’s ability to deal with the waste we are producing.
In the more remote parts of the world which Mountain Kingdoms visits, recycling facilities are in their infancy and poor waste management has resulted in severe plastic pollution. Inevitably plastic ends up in rivers which ultimately flow to the oceans, and scientific evidence has shown that around 8 to 12 million tonnes of plastic ends up in our oceans EVERY YEAR where it harms all marine life.
The NHS recommends drinking at least 2 litres of water a day, which means that on a typical two week trip you could be buying 56 single use 500cl bottles - these will be used for a short period of time and then, if not disposed of properly, take up to 500 years to disintegrate!
Here at Mountain Kingdoms we have teamed up with the revolutionary company, Water-to-Go, which has developed a multi-use drinking bottle with a filtration system that eliminates over 99.9% of all microbiological contaminants including viruses, bacteria, chemicals and heavy metals from any non-salt water source. A filter will typically filter 200 litres or last for approximately for three months of daily use. Any drinking source can be used from a tap in a hotel bathroom, to a stream or even a puddle!
What we are doing at Mountain Kingdoms
Since 2019, Mountain Kingdoms has been offering clients who are not given a free Mountain Kingdoms kit bag (these are required for certain treks), a free Water-to-Go bottle. It is also possible to buy these special Mountain Kingdoms Water-to-Go bottles at a discounted rate.
In addition you can purchase more filters, extra bottles and accessories at a 15% discount via the Water-to-Go webpage using the discount code MK15.
Buy your Water-to-Go bottle now
If you are not going on one of our trips but would still like a Mountain Kingdoms branded filtered bottle, you are welcome to buy them via us at the discounted rate of £22.50 plus £5.50 p&p
We would love to see you using your bottle whilst on your trip and please do email us with any photos you’ve taken of you and your bottle in action!
How to use your filtered water bottle
The filter MUST be wet thoroughly to activate the technology; drinking before the filter is wet through can lead to unfiltered water passing through the membrane. We suggest the first time you use a new filter you fill the bottle up and turn it upside down, submerging the filter for a minimum of 15 minutes. After soaking, open the spout and squeeze the bottle gently, releasing the water, and thereby 'flushing' the filter. Some granules of carbon may be visible, simply continue until water runs clear. Please note that the carbon granules are not harmful. If the filter has stood for a period of time and become dry, reactivate in the same way.
Ensure lid and filter are properly tightened to ensure a good seal but do not over-tighten.
Do not let contaminated water come into contact with the outer lid or spout; No matter how good Water-to-Go filters are, they can only filter what is inside the bottle.
Our bottles deliver a drinking rate of 10-12mls per second; a good guzzle rate! The filter controls the flow rate. Do not squeeze the bottle hard, as this can create high pressure behind the filter and, in extreme cases, can pressurise the lid forcing a gap between the bottle and lid, and possibly allowing water to bypass the filter.
Change the filter after 3 months or approximately 200 litres, for a 75cls size.
Clean your lid and spout regularly (hand wash only).
In all cases use common sense, be careful and drink safe!
How to recycle your filter
Water-to-Go filters are 100% recyclable and this video explains how you can recycle them - important instructions for use video
The casing and end caps can go in your plastic recycling. The grey membrane can then go on your compost heap and biodegrade.